Friday, February 19, 2010

Reason Number 34

30 hookers in 30 days. The Caller times is reporting that 30 prostitutes have been arrested in 30 days:
Six women were arrested on suspicion of prostitution this week, bringing the total arrests to 30 in about 30 days, police reported.

Authorities say they are cracking down on prostitution, which is a misdemeanor, because they believe it goes hand in hand with drug dealing and property crime, Capt. Todd Green of the Corpus Christi Police said.

“They have been concentrating efforts on prostitution to make an impact on everything that goes along with it,” Green said.

The six women arrested most recently were arrested on Leopard, Agnes and Staples streets, Green said.
I'm not sure what's saddest? The readers' comments on the online article asking for pictures; the CCPD's website with prostitute mugshots; the faces in those mugshots; the Johns trolling along Leopard street; Leopard Street itself; or Corpus' total lack of social services driving these pathetic women to this pathetic life.


Anonymous said...

not sure who you are but this is an interesting website, i was actually wanting to start something similar and googled "caller times sucks" to see if any one had the rights.

Anonymous said...

Best Website Ever!!!!! CLASSIC!~~~~~~!~!~!~!~!~

Anonymous said...

I started to follow the CCPOLICE webpage and now am starting to see some of the same women on the page as repeat offenders. There is no resource for rehabilitation. Part of it is giving them opportunity for jobs and to get off drugs. Again, this is the same old song, looking for different results. If they put the Johns on here, there would be a lot less offending going on. Great site, keep up the work.

Anonymous said...

Great blog.

I lived in Corpus Christi for 8 years. and I got out as soon as I could. Nearly killed me (figuratively)

I have never seen a "society" or culture as in Corpus, never seen so many people who are so stupid, so aggressive, impatient, and rude.

I hope to read Number 35 soon.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog. I really hope you can continue with this. I was thinking of similar blog ideas but yours hits the spot. If you need help to keep it going, give a shout!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the blog? Did you move away and decide to stop posting??? It has been over two years since your last post.

Anonymous said...

Corpus Christi must be stuck in 1974. The downtown area sucks. People are real rude and impatient. The City Council has a "You're not the boss of me" attitude about city growth.The "new" Corpus Christi aka The South Side isn't that impressive.I don't feel welcome here.

Anonymous said...

The reason CC sucks:

Mexican culture

There you have it.

Anonymous said...

Corpus Christi Police Department is extremely crooked. So is the Nueces County court system. The Judges, Cops, and prosecutors work together to illegally detain and charge people with things they never did. I suggest anyone in Corpus Christi to leave right away. The judge admitted in the courtroom to illegal acts that the court is doing. Cases are suppose to be split at "random" between the judges. Instead there "new system" gives 10 in a row to 1 judge and then 10 in a row to the next, there is nothing random about that. What it is, is illegal.

Anonymous said...

I want to say: FUCK CORPUS FUCK CORPUS FUCK CORPUS. id never raise a family here. Everyone is fatt. All the males are gay faggs. And everyone is on meth!! I fuckin hope a comment lands on corpus. Fuck yall hoes. Pease.

Anonymous said...

Fuckin laziest nastiest and most ignorant mexican culture i've ever been around.

Anonymous said...

you know what's even worse about Corpus Christi is that if you get out of it everyone you knew hates you for it. You can't bad talk the town or they get pissed. It's full of white trash and mexican trash and every other kind of trash. It's just trash.

Anonymous said...

You sound like you fit in rather well with your tenuous grasp of the English language. But I agree with you nonetheless on everything else. Hopefully a "comment" lands on the form of a comet. Although an asteroid would be a better end to Crapis Shitty.