Sunday, December 21, 2008

Number 31

Koch Industries, one of the largest private firms in the world, conducts refining operations in Corpus Christi.  In 2000, at their Koch West refinery here in town they were indicted in 97 felony counts of violating air-pollution standards.  The following year they plead guilty to the charge of covering up environmental violations.  They went out of their way to both pollute and cover up that pollution.  The reason Corpus Christi sucks is not only that they invite these companies to our town offering major tax incentives for the promise of jobs, but that once they're here, exploiting our land and our people, they send all their revenue back home, to Kansas as in the case of Koch Industries. For moderate, short-term financial gain, Corpus Christi sacrifices the wellfare of its citizens and its environmental viability.


Anonymous said...

Burn in hell you stupid refineries. I hope you owners goto prison for all those violations

Anonymous said...

But the pay is so damn good!!!

Anonymous said...

Money will not solve environmental issues, it's so shallow to choose "damn good pay" over the future of our generations as humans. Corpus is typically shallow. Koch will never have to go to prison, they are billionaires. My mom lives in Corpus, I was born there, I'm trying to move her out. She loves it but has been robbed and has no idea what Corpus really is, full of corruption, sex trafficking, of course there are good people there as anywhere, but the rest is rotten, to the core.