Corpus Christi shrimpers intentionally kill sea turtles in order to avoid inconveniences while harvesting shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico, according to studies by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). An
undercover investigation by the HSUS revealed that "Of the 32 vessels our investigator examined, 13 had their TEDs tied shut. That's 41% of boat owners in flagrant violation of the law. Such blatant disregard for the use of the turtle protecing devices suggests to us that enforcement procedures are not effective and that the shrimpers ignore the regulations without fear of prosectution." The TEDs mentioned by Dr. John W. Grandy, Vice President of Wildlife and Habitat Protection for the HSUS, are Turtle Exclusion Devices, essentially an escape hatch that allows turtles to swim out of shrimp nets. These Corpus Christians are going out of their way to disable already-installed devices that save the lives of endangered species.
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